Adrian Marks, who valiantly saved the lives of 56 men during World War II, is a true hero. The incident leading to Marks’ heroic rescue began 14 minutes past midnight on July 30, 1945, in the South Pacific, when a Japanese submarine torpedoed the U.S.S. Indianapolis. Within 12 minutes, the ship sank, and 800 of … Continue reading Notable Clinton Countians: Adrian Marks
Notable Clinton Countians: Jon Magnus Johnson
Jon Magnus Jonson designed and sculpted the three figures that adorn the exterior of the Purdue Hall of Music (Elliott Hall) and also cut a portion of the work on the Memorial Union Building. Among other work in Indiana are the artistic fountains in Frankfort and Richmond and a number of the sculpture of the George … Continue reading Notable Clinton Countians: Jon Magnus Johnson
Notable Clinton Countians: Will Geer
Will Geer was born William Aughe Ghere on March 9, 1902, but changed the spelling of his name in the early 1920s and became better known as "Grandpa Walton" of the Walton's TV fame in the 1970s. Geer graduated Frankfort High School in 1919 and went on to the University of Chicago on a horticultural scholarship. After … Continue reading Notable Clinton Countians: Will Geer
Notable Clinton Countians: Everett Case
Everett Case was born in Anderson, Ind., on June 21, 1900. Case began coaching basketball as early as 1915, when he coached a Methodist church team. He graduated in 1919 from Anderson High School, and according to the yearbook, he had decided his future occupation would be a basketball coach. Case went to the University of … Continue reading Notable Clinton Countians: Everett Case
Book Launch for Images of America: Frankfort
The book launch was held on October 20th, 2013. For more on the book in question, see our Resources page. Click an image for its description.