The historical society and museum continues to receive generous donations of memorabilia from families associated with Clinton County.

One collection came from the family of Virginia Timmons Crum. a 1938 graduate of Colfax High School. There were photographs of the Colfax and Kirklin areas as well as some of her father, Russell Timmons, and uncle, Ray Baker, in their Army uniforms during World War I. One picture, though, was an anomaly. It was not well focused, but showed a crowd gathered on the courthouse steps in Delphi. We took it to Mark Alan Smith, Carroll County Historian, and when he could not say what the event was, he posted it on Facebook to crowdsource an identification. Local history buffs quickly suggested, convincingly, that it was taken of Gov. James Cox of Ohio when he arrived to give a speech in Delphi as the Democratic candidate for President in 1920. It is a great thing to have so many people in the area who know their history.
Another collection came from Annabelle Staley Culbertson in California. She and her late husband, Donald C. Culbertson, are 1948 graduates of Mulberry High School and both come from pioneer Clinton County stock – Cornelisons, Baers, and Clarks. Among the items donated was Mr. Culbertson’s Boy Scout sash with an array of merit badges and the Eagle Scout medal that he earned in 1944, just the second Scout from Mulberry’s Troop 336 to achieve scouting’s highest rank. In the accompanying photographs, current Mulberry residents may find their parents, grandparents, and friends. Posted here are photos of first graders in Mulberry, c. 1937; high school girls, c. 1944, and a Memorial Day parade in 1948.